star Joshua Eugene Hedglin star

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star The Wind Beneath My Wings star

cross The song playing on this page "wind beneath my wings" is my song to our beloved Josh. The first time I heard it he was about 4 years old and the second that I heard it I knew that this was the words that summed up how he made us feel.

We adopted him when he was 2 months old he was everything to us "the wind beneath my wings" he was, in all of his eighteen years so beautiful in heart and soul he loved everyone and would give the shirt off his back before you ask for it.

When he was ten I wrote a journal for him a collection of poetry as well as my hopes and dreams for my son. On the first page I wrote that at this Christmas season if I could give you anything then my one gift for you would be that the world would disarm it's bombs and lay down it's guns and the world would learn to live in peace with each other.

THEN... on March 16,1997 a "sixteen year old friend" of his playing around with a shotgun took my sons life and with it... "The wind beneath my wings..."

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